Food - Fish and chips,kiwifruit and Pavlova
Clothing- warm clothing
Celebrations/Traditions- Christmas,Easter and birthdays
My culture is kiwi and in my culture we eat fish and chips, takeaways and for fruit we eat kiwifruit and Because it is always cold in New Zealand/Christchurch we were warm clothes so we don't get a cold especially in winter it is very cold. In my culture we Celebrate Christmas Easter and peoples birthday these are all fun Celebrations that I celebrate with my family for birthdays the family comes round for lunch or tea and we give presents their birthday, for Easter we go to church to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and for Christmas we get up in the morning and look under the Christmas tree to see whats there and then the family once again comes over for lunch or dinner so yeah that's my culture for you.
This blog post is very good... but you should probably add an s on the end of fish and chip but its very god888888888